When everything started....
My passion for making these truffle wrappers started not long ago.
Here is my story.
When I was pregnant with my little girl Mia in 2009, it was a dream come true! Unfortunately, it was a high-risk pregnancy and I was admitted to a hospital (the one where I worked).
There were so many helping hands (my co-workers) who came to help me during my stay there, visiting me daily. Their support was very important for me during that difficult time.
When my little Mia turned one, I planned a big party for these friends/coworkers. As a Brazilian-born girl, I wanted to offer them an authentic Brazilian Birthday party, with all the candies you can eat on the dessert table, including beautiful Flower Truffle Wrappers. They are such works of art.
I was surprised to discover that I could not find these beauties in the U.S. That was disappointing, so I started reaching out to companies in Brazil and asked them to send me their truffle wrappers.
My party was a big success! My guests loved the wrappers so much that they started to ask me how they could get them for their parties.
That was when I started to share this beloved Brazilian way to serve dessert here in the US.